Meet Our Expert Team of Consultants
The Orbis Team has more than a century of combined experience providing clients with innovative solutions to complex environmental problems. They provide cultural resource management, botanical, ecological and wildlife surveys, and wetland delineation services, primarily in the Midwest U.S. We also offer training and workshops in plant identification and inventory, wetland delineation, approaches to restoration and mitigation, wildlife management, and archaeology.

J Ryan Duddleson
Ryan is an archaeologist and founding member of Orbis Environmental Consulting, an ecological and cultural resources firm based in the Midwest U.S. Over the past twenty years Ryan has helped hundreds of clients manage impacts to sensitive natural and cultural resources.
His written work has appeared in peer-reviewed academic journals and industry trade publications. Ryan has been a featured speaker at conferences for the American Wind Energy Association and the Edison Electric Institute and has also presented at meetings of the Society for American Archaeology and the Midwest Archaeological Conference. He is also a member of the American Cultural Resource Association and the Indiana Archaeological Council.

Jeremy Sheets
With 16 years of experience in bat identification, Jeremy is federally permitted to conduct surveys in USFWS Regions 3, 4, 5, and 6. His work includes acoustic surveys, mist-netting, portal surveys, and radio telemetry, and he has surveyed 13 bat species across ten states, including Indiana, Kentucky, and New York. Proficient in bat call identification and automated acoustic software, Jeremy applies his extensive skills to advance wildlife conservation and management efforts.

Megan Martin
Her bat-related expertise includes habitat assessments, radio-telemetry, acoustic monitoring, mist-netting, and post-construction wind farm mortality studies, having worked with 13 bat species across 12 states. Megan also conducts auditory and visual bird surveys, including raptor nest monitoring, and has experience in pest bird abatement using falconry-trained hawks and falcons.

Brad Slaughter

Elizabeth Straub
She also works with nonprofit organizations to conduct archaeological investigations. This work includes assistance in project planning, grant writing, project execution, and reporting. She has extensive experience in collections research, artifact curation, and ceramic reconstruction. Her expertise is in precontact pottery, where she has utilized various forms of microscopy, including Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Petrography. She has experience in tribal consultation, community outreach, and human remains in archaeological settings.